whatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp Marketing: How to develop your campaign?

Know how with WhatsApp marketing All that advertising campaign is developed through this social network and with this versatile and practical application. Find out a little more about this topic by reading the following article.

What is WhatsApp Marketing?

Advertising campaigns are essential to promote a product and service. Therefore, looking for less crowded mechanisms to take advantage of these spaces on the web and carry out an advertising campaign through digital marketing (WhatsApp advertising), which will reach millions of people in a few minutes.
This app was called WhatsApp Marketing. It is designed to target the messages of millions of users who use this popular social network, which has become an excellent work tool for digital marketing experts. The best WhatsApp marketing software solution provides is Solutya Pvt. Ltd, so far, I have seen.

In addition, its space availability is significant enough to carry out this type of campaign, obtaining favourable and fast results, representing a saving of money, time, and effort in the entrepreneur’s investment.
The WhatsApp social network is less used in this commercial branch because, over the years, this platform has designed various applications that allow the interested party to mass-distribute messages about the product and service. The advertising campaign.

We suggest you watch some videos from youtube, where you will learn more about the characteristics and basics of Whatsapp Marketing in company advertising.
In 2014, the Facebook social network acquired the rights to the WhatsApp social network due to the potential it has shown since its creation. To the present date, it continues to receive improvements to its platform to serve the most extensive variety of users captured and offer the Best service.

Meet Whatsapp Business

This free application was designed for mobile phones with Android and iPhone technology to provide messaging services between companies and their customers, who can place orders and receive information quickly and safely.
Another of the services it offers is customer service in case of any doubts or complaints regarding the sale of the products; in this way, it is guaranteed that all sales are supervised and adjusted according to the regulations established to satisfy the client.
The quality of customer service provision is decisive for increasing sales. Many businesses fail because their ineffective customer service does not solve the problem, negatively affecting the company’s image.
For WhatsApp Business users to have all the information they need, the most relevant functions of this application will be shown below:

  •   Company profile: This section is essential because it contains company details, for example, contact phone numbers, email, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, among others.

Also, it provides information about the company’s geographical location to organize and estimate the shipment of the goods.

  •   Mailing lists: This option allows you to filter all the contacts you want to message with information about the advertising campaign.
  •   Automatic responses: This system allows users who write on this social network to receive an immediate response, and in this way, they will feel cared for.
  •   Statistics Panel: In this panel, all the trays of the types of messages sent, received, and delivered, among others, can be seen in an orderly way so that users can find them quickly and accurately

Know some keys to developing a WhatsApp Marketing campaign

Every marketing advertising campaign requires steps to ensure the project’s success, so all the necessary aspects must be included. However, the most outstanding ones will be presented below:

  •   Step 1: Define the objectives under an achievable methodology that makes them attainable and always attainable.
  •   Step 2: Conduct a campaign to attract potential customers who agree to give their phone numbers and receive important notifications about the advertising campaign through WhatsApp Marketing.
  •   Step 3: Analyzing statistics on previous studies on user behaviour and trends is vital to the project. Interesting details can be gleaned from that.
  •   Step 4: The messages should preferably be short but specific because if they are too long or too complex, users tend not to read them and leave them halfway through, so the advertising message does not reach them effectively.
  •   Step 5: Creativity plays a decisive role in advertising. Therefore, audiovisual messages must be short and precise.
  •   Step 6: Use the states to provide information on the campaigns so the user decides to ask for more details in this regard, preserving the non-invasion of their privacy and more opportunities to offer the products.
  •   Step 7: Immediate responses are the best possible service for users. It would be a great tool to notify me of service hours so that those interested know when they will get an answer and that misunderstandings are not created.

To learn more about the benefits of digital marketing, we recommend reading the article: Smart Marketing and its Impact on Design and learning about its uses and implications for design by clicking on the link above.

Know some relevant aspects of successful campaigns

Several large companies in the food sector decided to use this platform to promote their products. The experience was entirely satisfactory since recipe promotion was done through the WhatsApp Marketing platform.

They are created by famous chefs and made with their launched products, which made the users very happy, and the campaign’s message was perfectly conveyed, reflecting the sales in the markets.

Another company that sells gifts implemented a campaign aimed at women so that they could, through WhatsApp Marketing, show the skills they wanted for that Christmas in that particular department store. The result exceeded expectations and took the users very much with it.

Analyzing the cases revealed previously, it can be highlighted that the campaigns through this application have a reasonably wide margin of effectiveness, so it is necessary to spread this valuable tool and use it to improve even more.

Advantages and Disadvantages of WhatsApp Marketing

Social networks have a series of advantages over the services they provide to users, so some of them will be highlighted below:

Advantages of WhatsApp Marketing

  •   Its communication is fluid and direct with users.
  •   It has an easy-handling platform.
  •   It is a mobile phone social network that allows you to send and receive audiovisual messages and video calls.
  •   You can quickly check the messages’ reception since they correspond to the Conradh na Gaeilge WhatsApp marketing advertising campaign.
  •   The messages are not classified according to a positioning algorithm that restricts the access that everyone has to their users.
  •   Compatibility with Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, and PDF files, among others, is essential for developing advertising campaigns.
  •   Communication between companies and users is more direct and secure.
  •   Marketing through this social network is a new field, and these entrepreneurs can be pioneers.
  •   It is very versatile regarding strategic content that can be sent via WhatsApp.

Disadvantages of WhatsApp Marketing

  •   It should be considered that most of the users you are contacting will find it quite challenging to establish a trust link to give their phone numbers and get information.
  •   Customer service must be timely and provide satisfactory answers. Otherwise, potential customers will be lost.
  •   It is a new tool that is being explored and improved over time.

Please find out about another tool to boost your WhatsApp marketing campaign by reading the following article of interest: Advertising on Social Networks and exploring all the benefits it offers.

Other essential points to develop in WhatsApp Marketing

To succeed in a WhatsApp marketing campaign, break down barriers and connect with customers by addressing key aspects consistently. Based on these obstacles, relevant recommendations are provided.

How do you capture customers’ phone numbers?

The project contains data that is the backbone of the entire WhatsApp marketing campaign, and this involves collecting a database of users who will be potential customers for the company. However, this task is not as easy as it seems.
In this sense, marketing analysts should propose measures to convince the user to give his telephone number and accept the company’s number, to create groups through which information will be sent to them about new product promotions, the offers of the day, and company details, among others.

Using email and major social networks like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook builds trust and gathers user contact information. Surprising users with initiatives and gifts generate positive emotions, multiplying campaign engagement. Free advertising should not be underestimated due to the power of pleasant user experiences.

The limitations imposed by other entrepreneurs include competition. Offering service mechanisms during more comfortable and longer hours, where users receive timely answers to their concerns, is a weakness that must be overcome.

Survey of user behaviour statistics

Statistics provide insights into user behaviour and determine optimal times for sending and receiving advertising, enhancing the overall user experience.

This stage relies on effective communication to promote products and drive sales. Statistics reveal user preferences, with some favouring audiovisual messages over reading.

Use of texts in advertising campaigns

For some people, receiving a large text via WhatsApp can generate several reactions, among which we can highlight the following:

  •   Start reading the text and leave it in the middle, which means that the advertising message has not come across effectively, and the sales opportunity will be lost.
  •   Read it quickly and boringly without understanding the text, losing the effect.
  •   Please read it and ignore the information.

To address unfavourable reactions to reading, use concise and easily understandable texts for effective communication in advertising campaigns.

Use audiovisual messages in campaigns.

As for short videos, these are more accepted by the public. Therefore, they are used much more in WhatsApp Marketing because they generate an increase in publicity, and the users who receive the information can send it to their close friends and relatives through the same WhatsApp or another social network choice.

Hire video production experts for concise, impactful product videos. Embrace technological advancements and social media advertising for success and longevity.

Use WhatsApp marketing groups.

The creation of WhatsApp Marketing groups allows the integration of more than 250 people in each group, allowing them to interact and comment on the products offered, which is very important to improve customer recommendations and evaluate the positive impact of the same product.

One of the significant advantages of the WhatsApp social network is that you can work with an administrator and allow all group members to interact with each other. The user must be invited to participate, as being involved in such a sizeable interactive group could be annoying in the future.

It is essential to explain the operating rules of the group to users so that everyone agrees to interact. They will not be upset when they receive messages and comments from other users.

Timely replies to group users

When creating these groups, everyone must get answers to the suggestions and comments they make to get that feedback and feel that they are considered. Otherwise, users will stop interacting, which would harm the advertising campaign.
If you intend to get the most out of digital marketing, it would be innovative to adopt an autoresponder system. Also, informing users of service hours reduces anxiety if an immediate response is not received. However, it must be adhered to without exception.

Similarly, due to the seriousness and commitment of the guidelines established in the development of WhatsApp Marketing, the campaigns will be successful, achieving public acceptance and increased sales in the future.
Please find out more about the benefits of digital advertising on social networks in the following article: The Impact of social networks on Companies and information on its attractive benefits.

Find out about other approaches in WhatsApp Marketing campaigns:

The focus of WhatsApp Marketing campaigns is very diverse; some are much more creative and successful than others. The difference is how users are encouraged to agree to deliver their information on the company’s website.
That is why we will detail some of the most remarkable experiences of several large and small companies that decided to bet on this application offered by WhatsApp and obtained excellent results.

First experience with the Japanese giant Toyota

Japanese entrepreneur Sakichi Toyoda founded Toyota Motor Corporation in 1926, a global leader in vehicle manufacturing, producing over nine million vehicles annually with superior quality. Explore Toyota’s YouTube channel for insights on their WhatsApp Marketing campaign and impressive sales achievements. Toyota values WhatsApp’s flexibility, user-friendly platform, fast message delivery, and cost-effectiveness. As pioneers in WhatsApp Marketing, they successfully promoted their advertising campaigns, notably the launch of hybrid vehicles. By leveraging WhatsApp’s advertising potential and engaging users, Toyota created massive brand exposure at a minimal cost. Their strategy involved users displaying a campaign keyword in their WhatsApp status, generating widespread and free advertising. Participants were entered into a lottery for an iPhone5 by registering on Toyota’s website and spreading the word. The campaign’s success was evident through extensive reach on WhatsApp, leading to over 30,000 website visits and a wealth of valuable data for future Toyota Motors campaigns.

Another Toyota AYGO marketing WhatsApp Marketing experience

This second experience of the Toyota company took place in 2015 and was based on Valentine’s Day, so love and friendship was present in the WhatsApp Marketing campaign called Ligate tu AYGO.

This campaign aimed at a lot of young people who participated in achieving its objective. The acquisition of the Toyota AYGO vehicle was of great interest and greatly benefited the Japanese giant’s launch of this new product.

The challenge was that they had to send an original creative message of love to AYGO to try and make him fall in love and be able to participate in the draw for the brand-new car accordingly. Thousands of videos, text messages, audio recordings, and phone calls were found, leading to a strict selection.

The challenge was to seduce, apply all the knowledge in this ancient art, and try to overcome the Toyota AYGO, an assistant in charge of evaluating and selecting the most creative and original love techniques.

The response was so tremendous that Toyota decided to publish on its page all the content sent by users who stood out as the most creative and innovative so that everyone could enjoy these original ideas online.

At the end of the campaign, the expectations of the previous Toyota experience were exceeded since the young people became multiplied entities through other social networks, which made AYGO Toyota leave its mark on their hearts forever.

Find out about the nightclub experience.

In nightclubs, many will have formed long lines and invested several hours of their precious time, hoping to get in and have fun with friends. However, the option of a VIP pass is every fan’s dream—followers of this kind of fun place.

Based on this situation, some nightclubs have decided to get involved in WhatsApp Marketing and try their luck, offering promotions to their most regular customers, such as; VIP passes, drink services, and raffles, among others, generating an influx of customers who secured their entry and service directly by participating in the advertising campaigns.

Discover the ‘WappSolutya‘ experience.

This is one of the best WhatsApp Marketing campaigns made in the entire application history since the public widely accepted it, and its originality and simplicity impressed the most prominent representatives of the advertising world.
The campaign’s concept was based on the anniversary of the Absolut Vodka brand in 2013, which was called Absolut Unique. And consisted of celebrating in style. However, the participation of customers was essential as a sign of thanks for your loyalty.

Did you know about the Heineken Champions League experience?

Heineken’s UEFA Champions League-based campaign involved player registration and answering sports trivia on WhatsApp Marketing.

The campaign featured a robot activated by the word “champions.” Users tested their soccer knowledge by answering questions. Correct answers qualified for a lottery prize—a trip to experience top soccer matches. The campaign received widespread acceptance.

World-renowned companies prove WhatsApp Marketing campaigns can exceed expectations. Best ideas thrive on a platform with essential tools, adapting to technological changes.

User-driven marketing ensures quality care and compliance. It naturally multiplies entities in the digital world. Utilize WhatsApp for effective, secure, and impactful advertising campaigns. It holds the key to a promising future.

We hope all the information in this article was beneficial for you to use WhatsApp Marketing and contribute to promoting this excellent working tool, which will help you carry out your advertising campaigns more efficiently and effectively.

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